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Board of the Dutch Arbitration Association (DAA)

The DAA is managed by an Executive Board with the aid of an Advisory Board.

The Executive Board of the DAA currently consists of:

Stan Putter (President)
Associate Partner, Attorney at HBN Law & Tax

Roelien van den Berg (Secretary)
Partner at Avizor advocates & arbitrators

Martje Verhoeven-de Vries Lentsch (Treasurer)
Partner at De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek

Tom Claassens
Partner at Loyens & Loeff

Sophia von Dewall
Partner at Vanguard International Dispute Resolution

Rob Hoefnagels
Legal counsel at SPIE

Niek Peters
Partner at Legaltree and Professor of International Commercial Arbitration at the University of Groningen

Mirjam van de Hel-Koedoot
Partner at Nauta Dutilh

Rufus Abeln
Partner at Lemstra van der Korst


The Advisory Board of the DAA currently consists of:

Willem van Baren

Camilla Perera-de Wit
Secretary General/Director General

Gerard J. Meijer
Professor of Arbitration and Dispute Resolution at the Erasmus School of Law of the Erasmus University Rotterdam, and partner at Linklaters LLP

Niels van der Noll
Secretary of UNUM Transport Arbitration & Mediation

Henk J. Snijders
Professor of Private Law and Civil Procedure at Leiden University

Reina Weening
Chairman of the Board of the Raad van Arbitrage voor de Bouw (Arbitration Board for the Building Industry)


The DAA has the following honorary Presidents:

Gerard J. Meijer
Professor of Arbitration and Dispute Resolution at the Erasmus School of Law of the Erasmus University Rotterdam, and partner at Linklaters LLP
Natalie Vloemans
Partner at Ploum